A few weeks ago I took a trip to Salt Lake City with my wife and brother-in-law (the dude behind Wilkins To The Moon). Talk about an eye opening experience. I've seen and dealt with Mormons before, as most of my wife's family belongs to that particular branch of organized religion, but nothing really prepared me for the absolute onslaught of total nonsensical bullshit that would assault me there. Let me preface this post with the fact that Salt Lake is actually a pretty damn cool town if you know which places to check out (the Erotic Bakery was the highlight of our trip!) and there are plenty of people there with logic and reasoning skills. That being said, I saw a level of utter stupidity, of total lack of understanding, of complete purposeful ignorance, of absolutely horrific moral values, that it's honestly almost impossible to express how sickeningly terrible the people who live there act on a daily basis. First of all, Mormonism is all about two main things: physical appearance, and social appearances. Almost every woman I saw in Utah looked the exact same. Brown leather boots, highlights in the hair, skinny to the point of wondering if these women are some kind of living yet dead zombies, and complete bitchery on every goddamn level. Seriously, if I never talk to any of these women ever again in my entire life, it will still be too soon. The men aren't any better. If you've seen one man in Salt Lake, in all their short gelled hair and hipster clothes glory, then you've seen them all.
The social appearances factor is even more sickening. These people aren't any different than people anywhere else in the world. They all think about sex, masturbate, curse when they stub their toes, resent their parents, think they are great at singing when drunk, covet what they can't have, think they are always in the moral right while the people they don't like are ridiculous for disagreeing, and all the other bullshit every single human being on the planet goes through. The only difference between the Mormons who do these things and everyone else is that the Mormons lie about it. They pretend that they don't do any of these perfectly natural, totally human things. They are all just as horny, angry, jealous, sad, boastful, hate filled, and entitlement riddled as everyone else on the planet.
While we actually went to Salt Lake to see a concert, we spent some time there protesting outside of the Mormon temple at temple square. In case you haven't been reading the news lately, the Mormon church spent millions of dollars to support advertising that was used to convince people in California that homosexuals would inundate their schools with lessons about anal sex if they didn't pass Proposition 8 to prevent gays from getting married. Besides being completely untrue (how often did teachers tell their kids that butt fucking is normal in any classroom before Prop 8 was passed??) these people are serving the same role that people who opposed interracial marriage served back in the 1950's. Those bigots used Bible verses to back up their stances too. Gay marriage is a civil rights issue, not a religious issue. We have now set a precedent that it is perfectly OK for one group of people to take away another group of people's rights to marriage. Mormons shouldn't be happy about this. How are they going to feel when a bigger denomination of the cult of Christianity (say maybe the Catholics for instance?) who have access to more monetary funds decide that Mormonism is "defiling the sanctity of marriage?" When a bigger Christian sect chooses to start putting out commercials reminding the American people of how Mormonism was built on polygamy then the Mormons might suddenly find themselves unable to marry. Fair? Fuck no. No one on this planet has the right to tell any couple consisting of two consenting adults that they cannot be in love and get married. What do these people gain by banning gay marriage? Do they honestly think that gays will stop falling in love if they can't get married? This law only hurts people. It does not help anyone in any way. I'm straight, and gays getting married doesn't ruin my marriage. How would you feel if I passed a law stating that marriage should be defined as one atheist man and one atheist woman? You'd cry religious persecution and rail against it. Stop being a hypocrite and realize that banning gay marriage is the same thing.