Sunday, December 11, 2011

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

I came across this picture on Facebook and was so mad I had to write about it.  Can you believe people are trying to compare Santa to God?

In a conversation online about this blasphemous picture, an a-santa-ist claimed that there is no evidence for Santa, and even evidence against his existence!  How can people be so blind?  There is evidence for Santa everywhere you look.  This hateful and spiteful non-believer said Santa isn’t real because people have gone to the North Pole and didn’t see Santa, and because no one has proof Santa actually delivers presents to everyone on Earth.

Well of course no one sees Santa at the North Pole – he only reveals himself to those who truly and humbly seek him. How dare we question the mind of Santa and assume we know better than him?  He reveals himself to those he chooses in the fullness of his perfect will.  Are you Santa?  Then you can’t judge why he chooses not to reveal himself to the world. 

Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence!  Just because no one has video or pictures of Santa doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.  And anyway, if Santa revealed himself to everyone then there would be no free will and people couldn’t choose whether they wanted presents or coal for Christmas! 

I can’t believe how dumb those a-santa-ists are by trying to say that there isn’t proof of Santa delivering all the presents on Christmas Eve.  Of course Santa delivers all the presents, he just works his will through all the parents!  DUH!

Can you imagine a world without belief in Santa?  What a nightmare it would be!  There would be no right or wrong without Santa to judge people!  I could just go around stealing and raping and it wouldn’t be wrong because Santa wouldn’t put coal in my stocking on Christmas.
Those angry a-santa-ists just want to drag everyone down into their misery and woe and make life as pointless for everyone else as it is for them!  Thank Santa I’ve found the truth!  You can too – just open your heart to Santa and truly seek him with all you have and I promise he will reveal himself to you and change your life!