Christianity cannot coexist with a world that fully supports total peace between all peoples, governments, and religions. Christianity and peace are mortal enemies. Peace is anathema to the entire mythology of the Christian religion. Christians are fond of quoting the Bible verse Matthew 24:6, which says in part "You are going to hear wars, and rumors of wars..." to explain why our generation is currently in the "end times" when Jesus is going to come down from the clouds and take his true believers (the true believers, of course, being whatever denomination the speaker is a member of....) back to heaven and submit all the silly folk who refused the "truth" to years of what amounts to hell on Earth as God pours out his wrath as described in the book of Revelations. There can be no peace on Earth as long as Christianity holds a majority of the world. Because if peace exists, then there is no reason for people to become Christians. Without fear, there is no drive to give your soul up to the Christian religion. If there is no war and no hate, then Christians cannot use scare tactics to bring more numbers into their fold. There can be no "Look what the Bible says, wars and rumors of war, wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry? The end times are here! What if Jesus comes back tomorrow, won't you be ready?"
If there is total peace on Earth, then there is no reason to convert to Christianity. Without war, Jesus can't come back. According to evangelical baptist Christianity, Russia must go to war with Israel to hail the time of the rapture. If there is no military conflict, Jesus never comes back. People like to completely misconstrue what John Lennon said when he stated that he was more popular than Jesus Christ. Jesus and John Lennon both preached the same message, yet the followers of both of their beliefs act in radically different ways. Followers of John Lennon smoke pot and protest against the war in Iraq and desire peace. Followers of Jesus support taking away the rights of homosexuals and bombing middle eastern countries and putting pot smokers in jail. They both preached the idea that "blessed are the peacemakers" and "the meek shall inherit the earth" and "he who has no sin cast the first stone" yet both have followers who are completely opposed to one another.
Could it be then, that in two thousand years, people will have created a religion around John Lennon which supports intolerance, prejudice, and hatred, completely ignoring what the man himself said?
Support peace, oppose Christianity.
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